Basic Life Support (BLS)

Students learn how to recognize a life-threatening emergency, how to provide basic life support and what to do in case of an airway obstruction or choking. ASHI's Basic Life Support, BLS for Healthcare Providers and Professional Rescuers has been approved for training for Emergency Medical Services personnel and is accepted by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT).
Perfect For
Individuals in the healthcare or professional rescuer field that are required to have professional-level basic life support training.
Required for Successful Completion (Certification)
Written Evaluation Required for all students
Skills Evaluation Students must perform required skills competently without assistance.
Continuing educations (CE) hours for EMS professionals are available for ASHI BLS from Health & Safety Institute (HSI), a CAPCE accredited organization.
Certification Period
2 Years
Course Length
4-5 Hours
Student / Instructor Ratio
Student / Equipment Ratio
Sample Student HandbookProgram Spec Sheet